
Natural Resources Consulting is an independent commodity markets consultant. We advise corporate and institutional clients on their commodity price risks as well as general exposure to natural resources markets.

We also educate our clients about various commodities and the way these markets trade. We offer analytical and educational support to the mining and oil industries. In addition, we offer analytical support to institutional investors willing to expose their portfolios to raw materials, commodity trade houses and brokerages.

We offer one off research pieces, consultations on price risk mitigation, hedging advice and regular market updates. We offer shorter-term price outlooks and technical levels for more seasoned traders.

No one will tell you with a 100% certainty a price of a commodity at any given point in the future. However, having extensive experience in daily commodity market analytics, we are well aware of the short and long term price drivers as well as most relevant trends.

Our solid expertise in commodity markets trading analytics comes from many years of crafting research and strategy with investment banking front office commodity desks and leading commodity brokerages.


Commodity markets are unique and are markedly different from equity or the FX markets. Crucially, raw materials are non-interest bearing assets.  Commodities have been trading since the dawn of time and remain extremely important to the global economy.

These are very mature markets, but still little understood. A large bulk is still traded over the counter, but the new regulatory environment is starting to change this.

The most exciting thing about commodities is that these markets still comprise of important fundamentals variables. Supply and demand dynamics, the physical nature of raw materials, stockpiles and logistics will always have a marked impact in the long run despite short-term price volatility and other market noise.

The trick is to spot most relevant fundamental trends affecting markets in the long run and segregate these form the ongoing jitters.

We aim to utilize our quantitative and qualitative skill set in the best possible way in order to give our clients an unbiased and accurate estimate or solution. We aim to bring more confidence to their decision making process.



Markets we specialise in:

Gold – LBMA Spot, SGE, CME         Oil –  BFOE/WTI Physical, ICE/NYMEX Futures
Base Metals – OTC, LME, CME, SHFE                                        Precious Metals - LPPM Palladium/Platinum


Hedging Strategies
Trading Strategies
Technical Analysis               Short-term price recommendations    Long-term price targets and ranges    Marketing (base and precious metals) Consulting and PR
Education                            Fundametal Market Analysis

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